Carlson #70371
NC JCI Senate President 2023-2024
Welcome to the 2023-2024 year of the NC JCI Senate. I am honored and humbled to be serving as the 49th President and have looked forward to stepping up and representing our fabulous members of the NC Senate locally in North Carolina, Regionally as well as Nationally and Internationally.
I have chosen a theme of “Together We Can” as we are always more successful together than alone and this is a perfect way to fulfill our mission of fostering fellowship amongst NC Senators as well as supporting and assisting the North Carolina Jaycees in furthering the principles of the Jaycee.
The Senate is here for us to enjoy time together and my goal is to provide multiple opportunities to fellowship with more focus on smaller gatherings to stay better connected. I hope all NC JCI Senators will have an opportunity to attend at least one of the several meetings, conventions, celebrations or gatherings that will be occurring through the year.